French Heritage Websites

french american heritage foundation, minneapolis, st paul, mn, minnesota, culture, non profit, fahf, fahfminn, lake pepin

“Lake Pepin was first named in a map of New France made by Guillaume Delisle at the request of Louis XIV of France in 1703.”

French Heritage Website Links

Acadian-Cajun Genealogy and History website has historical information about the story of the French Acadians and their exile from Nova Scotia. It has an encyclopedia of Acadian Life, a history of old Acadia, and copies of Acadian Census for years 1671, 1678, 1686, 1693, 1695, 1698, 1700, 1701, 1703, 1707, 1714, 1752 and a list of Acadians deported from Grand Pre. There is much historical information located at this site. To see the site, go to this link:

Bibiliographic Guides for French Nobility – Genealogical Research :

Biographies and Histories of French Traders/Merchants/Officers/Voyageurs  French Surname Variations

France in the American Revolutionary War:

French Americans in America

French-Canadian Heritage Society of Michigan. The French-Canadian Heritage Society of Michigan has been in existence since 1980 and has extensive resources available regarding French-Canadian History, Culture, and Families. website is: and their Facebook Page is:

French Canadian Historic records  Website of Mary Tollestrup :

Friends of Sibley:

Le Forum.  Le Forum is the only French bilingual, socio-cultural, journal in the United States. It has become a major voice for Franco-Americans throughout Maine, and nationally, as well as a unique vehicle for the dissemination of works and information by and about Franco-Americans. Le Forum is published by the Franco-American Center at the University of Maine at Orono. Its website is   Le Forum:  Oral History:  Library:

Massicotte,Edmond paintings of the people of old Quebec.   Edmond Massicotte  (1875-1929) was an artist who lived in Montreal and who painted 17 paintings depicting life in rural Quebec.   The attached paintings were sent to Dick Bernard by Carmelle Pommepuy.  Massicotte Paintings

Minnesota French Facts  Minnesota Chapter of the American Association of Teachers in French

Mot du Jour – Learn a New French Word a day :

Virtual Museum of New France – Canadian Museum of Civilization :